I've got the same reaction as MM on this........
1/3hp and 12" buffing wheels is a combination that just isn't going to work very well.
When I first started using buffing wheels, I used an old 1/3hp motor I had on hand. It worked, but bogged down very easily.....and I was using the 8"
Beall buffing wheels.
I'm still using the Beall wheels and compounds, but am now using a 1 1/2hp motor I had when I converted my lathe to variable speed. This is way too much power, but in this case, more power than you need is much better than less power than you need. I'd say the best motor for buffing would probably be in the 3/4hp to 1hp range.
The largest wheels available from Beall are 8". To tell the truth, I've never used anything bigger than that......so, if there is any advantage to larger wheels, I'm unaware of what that might be. I can say this.......I've never seen any disadvantages to using the 8" wheels for bowls up to 16" in diameter. I feel extremely satisfied with the overall results I've been getting.
I also frequently use the Beall 4" buffing wheels.
Although I have a full set of 2", 3", and 4" bowl contoured buffs, I don't use these very much. I can say this about them.....I do use these bowl buffs occasionally, and they are extremely valuable items to have when they are "just right" for any particular need. I would get them, but the 8" and 4" buffing wheels are the most important ones to get......
Dan......I realize you are already in the process of using what you have, and that's fine. I am recommending the Beall buffing system only because I feel this outfit has an exceptional product, and there will be others reading this thread whom I wish to present my opinions to.......
One thing that is nice about the Beall buffing wheels.......no tools to change between wheels and takes less than 10 seconds to make the switch! Yay!