Zach, please bore me! lol. I would like to hear more about it... I'm sure I'm not the only one. Aloha
Alright...thanks for the encouragement Emiliano. So I've tested pure Danish Oil on about 100 bowls. It's the
Tried and True brand. Danish oil is a polymerized linseed oil. This isn't the toxic stuff sold at hardware store with driers and solvents that has a penchant for molding and causing human sensitivities.
I like it. It's a pain in the rear to apply, because you have to put it on in thin layers with proper drying time in between. I go a little heavy, wait an hour or more, then wipe it down dry with a dry rag. Tried and True recommends 0000 steel wool in between coats, but I've been mostly lazy and ony done this on a handful of bowls. At least two coats. My use of Danish oil so far suggests that it's far superior to walnut oil for hardiness to water. I've had it on my wood counters for a few years, and it benefits from reapplying once every 9-12 months...which is pretty impressive considering I have three boys who do dishes on a doug fir counter.
I've also used the Tried and True Original finish which includes beeswax, but the finish is much thicker and seems better to apply in a really warm room. Tried and True suggests it might be a little better for wood with water contact.
I suppose my conclusion is that pure Danish oil is great stuff, but a lot of work for a full-time bowl guy. My customers demand food grade, and I hear all the time "No synthetics". So I'm on the look out for more natural solutions that are easy to apply and easy for customers to renew.
One more thing to elaborate on. I've stopped using walnut oil because:
1. walnut oil doesn't last very long, at least not on my woods. It wears off, and a utility bowls looses any visible finish quickly.
2. a walnut oil finish on a bowl that sits as an art piece tends to get a bit sticky over time, at least in the softer woods I turn. And yes, I've tried everything down to single very light coats. It looks great at first, but leave it on a shelf for a year, and it gets a little sticky. I've talked with other turners who haven't had this happen, but I've also talked to those who have.
3: applying too much walnut oil is a guaranteed disaster. It dries on the surface and then leaks back through, giving a finish that is almost like rubber cement. I know how to apply it (at least I think I do) but my customers won't despite my previous enthusiasm for walnut oil, I'm retiring it.
I want to be VERY CLEAR: that the walnut oil problems I've had are just my own. I suspect that walnut oil is a suitable oil for harder woods—otherwise it wouldn't be so popular. My experience with hundreds of softwood and softer hardwood bowls is that it's not for me. It's too bad, because it sure is easy to apply and it looks great at first. It buffs nicely if you like.