I recently acquired a number of cherry and apple logs and have already sealed the ends. I would like to cut them up for blanks and have a couple of questions. I am relatively new to turning and have not, to this point cut blanks from logs.
Since this wood is meant to be turned into bowls, is the correct way to create blanks sawing the logs in half lengthwise? Since they are small enough I can do this on my bandsaw with a jig I have access to that will hold the log stable.
If I wanted to use these for taller hollow vessels can I merely take a slice off the end of the log that is just more than the required height of the vessel?
Since this wood is meant to be turned into bowls, is the correct way to create blanks sawing the logs in half lengthwise? Since they are small enough I can do this on my bandsaw with a jig I have access to that will hold the log stable.
If I wanted to use these for taller hollow vessels can I merely take a slice off the end of the log that is just more than the required height of the vessel?