• February Turning Challenge: Choose Your Box! (click here for details)
  • Congratulations to Isaac Litster winner of the January 2025 Turning Challenge (click here for details)
  • Congratulations to Jim Grieco for "Southwest Diamonds" being selected as Turning of the Week for February 3, 2025 (click here for details)
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Bill Wright

Mar 27, 2010
hey everybody im kind of new to woodturning, i've been toying around with my dad's old lathe turning blocks of wood down to a basic form for a bagpipe drone,basically im trying to make my own bagpipes,the lathe i have is an el cheapo professional woodworker brand lathe from some chinese company,i cant complain,i got it for free,but i just found out that i can take the spur off today,thanks to someone on a bagpipe maker's group,anyway,im joined up on here to learn as much as i can about turning on the lathe,the wife cant keep me off of mine,for some reason it gives me a calm feeling and i can stand at it all night just messing around with it
Welcome to the AAW forum where you can learn much just by asking questions. However, for an even better way to learn find your nearest AAW Chapter and join them. Most chapters have a mentoring program and you'll be able to get some help getting started right. I sure wish I'd done so when I started. You don't say where you live but if you go to this link you'll be able to locate a chapter.

I sure understand what you mean by turning as relaxing. I've had people say that they could never be patient enough to do the intricate turning, but I find it totally relaxing after trying to teach a high school shop class all day......

It is a great idea to check out the local woodturners chapters. I did that 3 years ago and thanks to the Quad Cities Woodturning Club (http://www.qcwoodturners.org/) and their members, I improved my skills dramatically. They are always willing to mentor.

Bill, from what you describe I must tell you that you got the Turniensis Virus. Don't call the doctor, he won't be able to do any thing about it. The virus is only getting worse proportionately to the quantity of shavings you'll produce. If you stop, the virus will make you dream of shapes of all sorts that you will want to try on your lathe.
