Alright, I couldn't resist, and I'm feeling a tad cranky. The query with the publisher is still open and is getting worked. I'll publish the results when we get them.
This durned thing has even bled over onto WoodCentral. In response to the comment there.....there will not be hell to pay. If there is a mistake, it will simply be fixed. We're not going to take the printer man out back and lash him to a pole. Nor will we make him turn a bowl from a 5 year old dry piece of rock hard oak with only a dull carbon steel scraper and a 1/4 HP equipped lathe
Don't any of you guys have any patience? This isn't the end of the world folks. The magazine was scheduled to be received via 3rd class mail between December 1 and December 15. Today is coincidently December 15.
We also happen to be in the Christmas mailing season. My local postman usually gets our mail to my house around 2:30-3:00. Now he's getting it to us at 6:00-6:30. He's a nice old guy (Dale) who has been working this route for 15 years. I've talked to him a bunch over the years and I wish he didn't have to work such long hours during each holiday.
This isn't a mess. It may be a mistake though. If there is a mistake, we'll have the printer fix it. Is there anyone here on the forum who has not made a mistake? I've made a few....well in fact I've made plenty! I've even made them on this website occasionally just to see if you guys were checking

And you usually catch the errors, but I've snuck a couple past you!
I am glad that someone discovered a
potential mistake with the distribution code. It is still a
potential mistake, and we have not yet established there is a problem yet. I did confirm that we send the full 5 digit zip code from the AAW office to the printer. As Vernon pointed out, if there is an error, it is probably a substring function in some software.
To end this with a positive note:
Our office staff is working this potential issue with the printer company. This is not their current priority since the next magazine gets shipped in Feb/March. Mostly what our office staff is currently doing is processing the huge membership renewal load which comes in at this time of year. To further digress, I hope to remove that peak load by putting in new software early next year which will help us spread the load out thru the entire year.
We'll be moving from the current January 1 - January 1 (annual) membership to "anniversary" membership. That means your membership anniversary will be based on whatever date you joined. For many of us it will still be Jan 1 - Jan 1. But over the coming years we'll end up getting late renewals, and new people joining. Eventually the memberships will be spread throughout the entire year. And THAT will be a good thing because I will have put in place a project where our illustrious AAW office staff will not have to work long hours during the holidays! And that makes me feel good.