which is more important, shiney or lift?
i know the crow likes shiney, which do you value more? 😱 😀
i know the crow likes shiney, which do you value more? 😱 😀
It doesn't matter one bit how the surface is treated (shiny or not) to affect the viewer's perception of how they see the form of piece. A well-formed piece with lift and a dull surface will still seem appealing; if it is poorly shaped, "shiny" won't correct this. Certainly, all pieces do not need to be shiny - IMHO, all pieces should have some element of lift.
Rob Wallace
I had a pet crow when I was a teenager a couple years ago. They definitely do like shiny stuff. We would deliberately put out some small bright metal object and then pretend to not be paying attention while Crow would try to be sneaky and also pretend to not be interested while easing up closer and closer with one eye on me and the other on the shiny object. Finally, he would get bold enough to make his move and grab the shiny object and fly into "his" tree with it. Once safely out of reach, he would laugh at me and be saying in crow talk, "look what I stole from you". Since I could speak Crow, I would say, "it was a gift, caw caw, hah, hah".
Me thinks there might be something in the air there in Texas. 🙂
hollow with thin
if hollow and thick would/could command more force????? to the viewer or less skill of the turner to the viewer???????
i was thinking more of bowls and wide mouth hf, 3/4 to 3/8 thick
yes, i got to sweep up David and Cindy's shavings once
,,, I guess everytime there is a general rule there is an exception ....
... Then again, what do you expect from a guy who doesn't even know David was Jewish....😉