I use the gunny sticks all the time to clean off the hook/loop discs and to clean my belt sander belt. 2-3 years ago I ordered some new ones. The sales clerk (not sure if Craft supplies/ Klinspor, Packard, etc. Said the had a shipment of 12" ones rather than the 8" ones and could send those instead for the same money.
It was a while before I needed the new ones. Now with the new ones it seems that I have to clean the gummy stick all the time with brush or else it doesn't clean up the discs as the "gum" is clogged. Any thoughts??? Gretch
It was a while before I needed the new ones. Now with the new ones it seems that I have to clean the gummy stick all the time with brush or else it doesn't clean up the discs as the "gum" is clogged. Any thoughts??? Gretch