anybody do anything for Arbor Day or Arbor Weekend?????? 😀
When was it?
Last weekend I drove to Austin a couple times, ate barbeque, and sat all night in a hospital room. Didn't have time to mess with trees.
Hi Charlie, The one in April is National Arbor Day.There are Arbor Day celebrations in different states in different months of the year. If you go to their web site it has a list of events.
I'm a tree lover, and the love of trees is my second hobby interest or it could be the first, depends on the time of year.
I practice the art of Bonsai. I have over 50 trees in my garden. Some are very small 4" high and some are larger, Dawn Redwoods at 3'. I work at creating more trees from cuttings of the trees. Yesterday I trimmed a Shimpaku Juniper and got over 40 cuttings and planted them. Every year for the past 5 years I plant tree seeds of different varieties, this year I planted 400 tree seeds, and I'm about to plant about 300 more. Not all will sprout, some take up to two years to sprout. It has been a very rewarding hobby.
Old Chinese proverb: The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago, the second best time is today.:cool2: