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Anyone Want a Free Maine Woodturners Tee Shirt?

Andy Hoyt

In Memoriam
Aug 15, 2005
Benton Falls, Maine
Yup. That's right. A free tee shirt.

The Maine Woodturners are having a tee shirt design contest and we're opening it up to anyone who wishes to enter.

Prizes galore! Well, maybe not galore, but certainly aplenty.

Click here to read more.
Who is holding them captive?;)
No one. We're fully committed to the concept of only having Free Range Tee Shirts

Are they new?
Nope. We're fully committed to the notion that - since our Free Range Tee Shirts will be 100% free from Bovine Growth Hormones - that after being worn just once they'll be old and used.
No one. We're fully committed to the concept of only having Free Range Tee Shirts

Nope. We're fully committed to the notion that - since our Free Range Tee Shirts will be 100% free from Bovine Growth Hormones - that after being worn just once they'll be old and used.

So at least they are clean (by Maine Woodturner standards).

I think that I have enough information to go on. I mixed some Blue Bell ice cream with Moxie and had an inspired vision (not to mention a bad headache). I don't have a picture to show you, but I will try to describe this masterpiece in words (stand by for a thousand words).

The inspiration (while under the influence of BB&M) for this design came while standing before my lathe and looking at the back wall and floor underneath the lathe. What did I see that was so awe inspiring, you ask? Well, I saw lots of curly shavings along with streaks of stains along the wall from wet wood, CA, shellac, lacquer, varnish, dyes, pigments, and other less identifiable discolorations on the back wall and lathe bed. So my grand inspiration is ................. a camo turning shirt!

If a hunter can dress up in leaves and twigs, then why can't a turner dress up to blend in with his surroundings? A hidden benefit is that you do not need to wash this shirt (NOTE TO ANDY: WASH means to immerse in water and soap and then slosh it around for a while and dunk it in some reasonably clear water and finally hang it out to dry on a tree limb. Don't ask what the purpose of this pagan ritual means).

So here are the details of my inspired design:
  1. Picture of shavings on the front of the shirt -- maybe even some on the shoulders.
  2. Vertical streaks of various brown, black, etc. on the front which represent the intimacy of turning wet wood or more likely perhaps applying finish while the lathe is spinning and not having enough sense to move out of the way.
  3. Some simulated hand smears on the sides of the shirt to show that a T-shirt is the equal of any towel.
  4. The name of the club on the back since it would be a crime to mess up the fine patina on the front.
That's it in a nutshell (or nut case).

This shirt has the added feature of being able to wear it in the house since nobody will know if it is dirty or clean. It is unfair for any of your club members to claim that they already have a shirt that looks like this as an excuse for not buying one.

So, there you have it, the ultimate woodturning shirt.

"tis in the running.

Bill's camo shirt is too.

And so is the suggestion to have Lancaster's photo from October 2000. You know the one - it's titled, "Ouch!"
I'd post it here, but might be a tad much for non-moxie drinkers to handle.
Shouldn' t you guys be having a parka design contest? What's the point of putting a design on a t-shirt that will be covered by several layers of clothing 360 days of the year?

Aw, go ahead. Anyone following this thread is tough..........................

Geez. There we go with more presumptions.

Was worried about the more frail hearted readers, Mac.

You know folks from places like Arkansas, Mississippi, and such.

But if you say it's okay, who am I to get in the way of progress. Here 'tis.

dave 2007 ouch.jpg
Yeah on the weather thing......also.................I don't get the garage comment....up here ,they are called studio's or studio/galleries...depending on the size.Andy, you have a hard job ahead of you with these guys............
Did he wander into one of the french canadian turning clubs by mistake?

Nope, it "wandered" into him.

Yeah on the weather thing......also.................I don't get the garage comment....up here ,they are called studio's or studio/galleries...depending on the size.Andy, you have a hard job ahead of you with these guys............
You guys down in the southern tropical reaches of Maine - hereinafter known as the Banana Belt - can call 'em what you want. The rest of us call 'em what they are - barns.
Yeah on the weather thing......also.................I don't get the garage comment....up here ,they are called studio's or studio/galleries...depending on the size.Andy, you have a hard job ahead of you with these guys............

Where do you find room for the lathe in the gallery amongst all the snowmobiles, trucks, chains, ice fishing gear, and atv's. Not to mention the moose antlers. You guys must be up to your keisters in moose antlers. I didnt' see any items turned from moose antler in your AAW gallery. I guess it must sell as fast as you can make it?

You guys down in the southern tropical reaches of Maine - hereinafter known as the Banana Belt - can call 'em what you want. The rest of us call 'em what they are - barns.

You can't fool me. I was in Maine for a week in August a couple of years ago. It was close to / over 100 degrees each day. Bananas won't grow in that kind of heat! Just as well. Banana stalks make really bad turning stock. DAMHIKT.

Ed - whenever we get word of someone "from away" headed up this way, we special order some gawd awful weather just to make 'em feel like they're at home. Costs us a small fortune, but we make up for it with volume discounts from the National Weather Service, as well as the retail prices we get on ashtrays turned from lobsters and other such Down East trinketalia.
Ed,We dont have any problem with space to store things up here,we just cut a few trees and build more storage. This can go on forever until either the tree huggers stop us from cutting trees or we run out of Tyvek for siding.This is a pretty good place to be,we can even get tuna with dolphin in it still.
Was worried about the more frail hearted readers, Mac.

You know folks from places like Arkansas, Mississippi, and such.

But if you say it's okay, who am I to get in the way of progress. Here 'tis.

View attachment 1740

Is this what happens when trying to visually examine a turning too closely?
Hey, Bill. If this thing doesn't pan out we can always trade. I've got a vintage "slightly" used Ross Perot for President teeshirt that I'll gladly swap for any teeshirt of yours that only has four voids in it - pocket inclusions not withstanding.
Hey, Bill. If this thing doesn't pan out we can always trade. I've got a vintage "slightly" used Ross Perot for President teeshirt that I'll gladly swap for any teeshirt of yours that only has four voids in it - pocket inclusions not withstanding.

Ross Perot, you say? I'd have to come up with something special to match it! Give me a chance to rummage through my rag box in the shop -- I think that I remember seeing an intact T-shirt there ... I don't suppose that a few little CA stains would be a problem, would it? I had to grab something big when I accidentally knocked over the pint sized CA bottle while filling a bunch of the little 2 oz. bottles. Fortunately, it was the thick stuff so I only lost about half of it to the shirt. I had to carry that bottle around for most of the day until I got enough of the solvent between it and my hand that I could turn it loose.

I thought that I was being smarter the next time it happened -- I grabbed a big wad of shavings off the floor. Do you realize how strange it makes you look to have a big fuzzy hand? It makes it hard to hold important things too, like a dinner fork.
....... While yours won't count - feel free to cast your ballot here and we'll compare results........

Were you specifically referring to someone from Texas who we both suspect to not be of sound mind or did you mean anyone who is not a member of the Maine Woodturners Club? :D

Combining several of the previous comments, obviously you should just CA attach some nice curlies across the front where one's chest hair would be if one had some, and maybe a little on the back too. Should be a durable wood, like some Texas mesquite, that could withstand machine washing every year. And some printing would be good. maybe "Real Men Turn Wood", "Maine Woodturners". Of course some shirts would have to say "Real Women Turn Wood".

Or maybe I just stayed up one beer too late because visiting grandchildred are sleeping in my bed.
..... you should just CA attach some nice curlies across the front where one's chest hair would be if one had some ........


I'm going to CA my fingers together so that I won't be able to type. :D

But, first would you CA one of those beer cans to my right hand?

We are probably not going to get free tee shirts for this, which is unfortunate, as most of mine are getting pretty scruffy looking.

Maybe not good to glue you to the beer can, or vice-versa, as you might want a second one soon.

Would like to submit a real design if I had some artistic ability. Looks like they do have some good designs to consider.