At the request of a nearby High School with a large but underutilized Shop Classroom, I'm coordinating a half day woodturning demo by a group of volunteer turners that concludes with some turner-assisted hands-on pen making for participating students. One or more pens each student completes will go to Freedom Pens, and thanks to the generosity of some of the volunteers enough additional blanks and kits will be available for each student to complete 1 pen to keep.
Aiming to add incentive and build pre-demo interest while exposing the students to new terms and concepts, one activity I'm considering is having the teachers give them a quiz covering topics from safety to tool identification and sharpening (including suggested bevel angles); parts of the lathe; pen parts, turning, and assembly components; plus any related topics that arise.
As one incentive to do well, those with the highest scores will be offered the opportunity to "go first" for the hands-on portion of the demo. On demo day, at various points during the process, volunteer turners can pause to pose questions for their group to answer--thus reinforcing the terms and concepts.
I'm prepared to spend quite a bit of time to put such a quiz together if necessary, but before possibly "reinventing the wheel", I wondered whether anyone already knew of any existing quizzes that I could borrow from?
Aiming to add incentive and build pre-demo interest while exposing the students to new terms and concepts, one activity I'm considering is having the teachers give them a quiz covering topics from safety to tool identification and sharpening (including suggested bevel angles); parts of the lathe; pen parts, turning, and assembly components; plus any related topics that arise.
As one incentive to do well, those with the highest scores will be offered the opportunity to "go first" for the hands-on portion of the demo. On demo day, at various points during the process, volunteer turners can pause to pose questions for their group to answer--thus reinforcing the terms and concepts.
I'm prepared to spend quite a bit of time to put such a quiz together if necessary, but before possibly "reinventing the wheel", I wondered whether anyone already knew of any existing quizzes that I could borrow from?