I'm curious if anybody out there is making Mortar and Pestle's AKA spice grinder's.it's really selling here like hot cakes,this week I sold 33 of them and have 24 on order for next week,I don't maind making them, but can't hardly get anytime to relax. I like to do it only as hobbie and it's getting to be a job and I'm looking for way's to speed up the produccion.Already have 5 face plates,3 lathes,that way I could leave one on the lathe, while the sanding sealer dries, then move on to the another lathe,do the samething and then go back finish the first one, then install another.... the third lathe is set up for spindle turning.The hollowing it's a bit hard,I'm using a 1 1/2 flat wood bit to start then move on to round scrapers and side scrapers,the hole is usually 6'' deep by 4'',5'' or 6'' wide.Have any of you use a fostner bit,would a3'' fostner bit be of any help, you think?Any other ideas are very welcome,Orlando.