I grew up in New Haven, CT, The Elm city. James Hillhouse had started planting American Elms in 1685. By 1990 they were all gone. Dutch Elm disease had destroyed the Elms from MA to MO.
In 1997 we moved to Charleston, SC. If you want to cut a hardwood down that is 16" or more at breast height, you have to get a permit fron the town Arborist.
I thought he would be a good source for trees since he issued the permits. He has been terrific. One day I got an email from him asking if I wanted an American Elm 29" in Diameter. I asked if he was sure that it was an American Elm as I thought they were all dead. He informed me that we had a large healthy population of Elms here.
Over the years I have gotten several Elms and the wood is beautiful.
Here's my question - why didn't the blight come here. Could it be possible that the beetle that carries the blight needs cold in it's life cycle?
In 1997 we moved to Charleston, SC. If you want to cut a hardwood down that is 16" or more at breast height, you have to get a permit fron the town Arborist.
I thought he would be a good source for trees since he issued the permits. He has been terrific. One day I got an email from him asking if I wanted an American Elm 29" in Diameter. I asked if he was sure that it was an American Elm as I thought they were all dead. He informed me that we had a large healthy population of Elms here.
Over the years I have gotten several Elms and the wood is beautiful.
Here's my question - why didn't the blight come here. Could it be possible that the beetle that carries the blight needs cold in it's life cycle?