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Air Supplied Faceshields

Mar 19, 2016
Haubstadt, Indiana
I have read through the old threads and done research, but still have question and conclusions to be verified. I see three contenders, The Trend Airshield pro, Powercap, and 3M Versaflo. Trend seem to be a good choice at this point.

Trend Airshield Pro: Many users and likes. However there are some questions on battery lfe. Stated 8h life, but have seen many reviews where the battery life is 1 - 1 1/2 hours. Are these just bad batteries? The weight I guess is something to deal with, but have seen where some have moved the battery to their belt. Is this an easy solution?

Powercap: Lighter weight than the Trend and has lithium batteries. However it is not rated as good as the Trend and is more costly.

3M Versaflo: I guess this is the Cadillac at three times the cost of the others. I am guessing it is somewhat better, but is it worth three times the cost? And I see many of just the 3M Versaflo helmets. Why is there so many listings? Are people building their own air supply or do they wear out fast?
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I've have the Airshield Pro about 6 years. Six new batteries and a rebuilt unit and the longest runtime has been 4.5 hours. The rebuilt (by me) is only about half that. The battery run time starts dropping off after 1.5 years or so and degrades fairly rapidly. I don't know of a way to determine the shelf life when purchasing new batteries. Purchasing directly from Trend didn't seem to make a difference in service life or runtime. I am retired and use the unit 2-3 hours about 4 times a week. I purchased Li-Ion cells with integral current limiting devices with the intent of wiring 3 in parallel in the original battery case. Lost interest after considering a possible thermal runaway sitting on top of my head.

The service life of the black improved headband isn't significantly better than the original gray unit.
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William, I purchased a used Trend Airshield Pro last summer. The battery pack was exceptionally easy to rebuild and I don't think it cost more than $20. If you do a search you'll find great instructions online on how to rebuild the battery pack should it need it. There is also instructions on building rechargeable battery packs using rechargeable AA batteries. I think when I priced it out it was roughly $20 per pack to build, maybe $25.

When I was looking I also found these self contained PAPRs from Gentex

The “Cadillac” systems like the versaflow are designed to meet many needs - medical, welding, hazmat, etc. and have a dizzying array of components. There are other brands similar to the versaflow, just cant remember them, and for the same type of system appear to me to be similar in price.

As with any type of equipment only you can decide if the hi $ cadillac is actually worth the price. I tend to be more of a “chevy” type person - dont like paying for unnecessary “features” or panache of a brand. They may be out there, but I couldnt find a chevy option in the papr market, I think because of the fed regs they have to meet for the various applications they serve. The blowers, batts and chargers are all expensive. Some have found various ways to get a clean air supply to a shield, but none appealed to me. I would use compressed air but my compressor isnt big enough. I ended up with a versaflow system and I can say it works as advertised, you have to decide if its worth the $.
I bought a “Smart Charger” from Tenergy for less than $20 about five years ago, I get 5-6 hours of constant use from my 10+ year old batteries. I believe Trend now uses smart charger technology for there current products.
I called Trend two years ago to order a new headband, they sent it free of charge!
The Trend has worked well for me for nearly ten years. I rebuilt the two original batteries 5 or 6 years ago, got a smart charger and everything continues to perform well. While I haven’t kept records, I seem to get 6 - 7 hours per charge using it several times a week. I use it while sanding or cutting dusty stuff like mdf. I rebuilt the batteries from instructions on the forum, but for the technically averse, batteries plus will do it for you. While buying a set of new filters (mine had never been changed...) I got in a conversation with the rep at the Portland symposium. He asked me to contact me after the symposium. A few weeks later they sent a new faceplate, head strap and fabric seal - its like a new unit...good customer support.

...and no, I looked for the contact information he shared with me and its gone into the ether with a computer reboot. But my dealings with customer support have always resolved any questions.
The weight on your head can be a significant problem, more so for some folks than others. The Trend has everything up there. The 3M Airstream has everything in the helmet except the battery. The 3M Versaflo has everything on your belt (which caused Bill and some others to have difficulty keeping their pants up :eek:). Ideally you could put each unit on and turn for a few hours to see how much effect it will have with your style of turning.

I like my Airstream, but I definitely notice it's been up there after a couple hours of turning, and I think I unconsciously avoid using it sometimes.
William, you probably read the epic thread where Emiliano and I put together Versaflo systems for less than 20% of the cost of a new system by buying most of the components on eBay. Instead of getting the Versaflo blower I got a 3M BreatheEasy turbo unit which is an authorized CBRN hazmat configuration. While I don't anticipate cleaning up any radioactive waste in my shop, the price was right. Except for the battery everything was brand new. The battery was still in its sealed package and had never been used, but it was about five years old. It's a nickel metal hydride battery and the long storage doesn't seem to have affected its performance. I can get at least nine hours of use from a charge.

Because of a price that was too good to ignore I got the Versaflo M-407 headgear which is a full helmet with jaw and double flame resistant shroud. Mega overkill for turning wood, but might come in handy in the event of an uncontrollable fit of fast and furious woodturning. Even though this is the bulkiest Versaflo helmet it is still very light and comfortable. While the BreatheEasy turbo unit is lightweight, it is somewhat bulky and I am constantly banging it against anything behind me. Fortunately, it takes a licking and keeps on ticking.

You didn't ask about the 3M Airstream, but I have used one for about 14 years. It is comfortable and weighs less than two pounds.It is also very easy to put on and remove. The NiCad battery weighs about a pound and is worn on the belt. Th current price is about double what I paid in 2006, but used Airstream PAPR's can be found on eBay for a good price.
If the verasflo is in the budget I would urge you to look into a supplied air respirator instead. It’s only a few hundred more and is truly the Rolls Royce as far as respirators go. I have the Bullard EPD10 free air pump and generally just use the tyvek bag style hood. It’s super light weight and I can wear it 10 hours with no neck fatigue. The pump runs on 110v and can be located in clean air so the filters last a very long time. The one on my pump now is over 10 years old. I’ve used this system for 18 years with zero problems and have never regretted buying it. They make a large variety of hoods and impact protection.
William, you probably read the epic thread where Emiliano and I put together Versaflo systems for less than 20% of the cost of a new system by buying most of the components on eBay. Instead of getting the Versaflo blower I got a 3M BreatheEasy turbo unit which is an authorized CBRN hazmat configuration. While I don't anticipate cleaning up any radioactive waste in my shop, the price was right. Except for the battery everything was brand new. The battery was still in its sealed package and had never been used, but it was about five years old. It's a nickel metal hydride battery and the long storage doesn't seem to have affected its performance. I can get at least nine hours of use from a charge.

Because of a price that was too good to ignore I got the Versaflo M-407 headgear which is a full helmet with jaw and double flame resistant shroud. Mega overkill for turning wood, but might come in handy in the event of an uncontrollable fit of fast and furious woodturning. Even though this is the bulkiest Versaflo helmet it is still very light and comfortable. While the BreatheEasy turbo unit is lightweight, it is somewhat bulky and I am constantly banging it against anything behind me. Fortunately, it takes a licking and keeps on ticking.

You didn't ask about the 3M Airstream, but I have used one for about 14 years. It is comfortable and weighs less than two pounds.It is also very easy to put on and remove. The NiCad battery weighs about a pound and is worn on the belt. Th current price is about double what I paid in 2006, but used Airstream PAPR's can be found on eBay for a good price.

I use my Versaflow daily. I'm happier with it than the Airstream, I found it was a bit heavy for me. Like Bill said, if you look around you can buy it for pennies on the dollar. My good friend @AlanZ help me find all the components. It has changed my life, I was getting a lot of problems with my sinuses, now, I'm trouble-free.
I posted a while back (2018?) in that epic thread about a system I set up based on recommendations from Jerry Kermode. No filter/battery needed. I rigged up an inline air fan (Fantech) with an intake in a separate space (other part of the garage; Jerry's is actually in his house), basic 4 inch PVC stepping down to 2.5 inch to CPAP tubing to a featherweight Airmate hood. Cost me a couple hundred dollars. I have since recently gone to the Versaflow 107 helmet to provide both respiratory and impact protection. It's heavier than an Airmate hood for sure, but very well balanced, and has not been giving me neck/shoulder issues, even with extended work sessions. Excellent visibility. Helmet and tube without battery/pump/filters were available for about $300 on Amazon. It has been the best solution for me. Your results may vary.
There's an article in the current Woodturning Fundamentals that discusses this topic, although it doesn't get into the finer points of battery life, etc.
My Trend batteries hold the charge for as long as I have ever used the helmet and sometimes that is days between charging, I use a smart charger.
I just built a brand new Versaflo system for under $700. I also just bought a used Trend Airshield (not the pro) and made my own battery packs. The versaflo is better hands down. I found the filter/fan/battery unit on eBay brand new, one generation back from the current new ones. the only difference I can find is that the newer ones have multiple fan speeds. I love it. I bought the 107 helmet and hose on Amazon, it’s lighter than the other ones that include helmet protection which I don’t need. The face seal on the used Trend unit is shot, so I can still smell dust when I’m using it. I have a new face seal coming, maybe it will be better. You can’t get the filters anymore, Trend doesn’t make them apparently. I’ll have to make my own moving forward. It’s MUCH heavier on the head- all the weight is on top of the visor so it’s pushing down on my face. I do use it- especially for that ‘I just need to make a few cuts on the saw’ and I won’t be wearing it for long. My kids use it as well when they are turning. Better than a dust mask.

Peke safety (US distributor for the PowerCap) also has a PAPR unit from Europe called the Malina or something for around $700. Their website says the faceshield is not impact rated, I emailed them about it, there is a polycarbonate shield available for their unit. I’m also 99% sure it’s a Uvex Bionic face shield with a hose connection and face seal- and there are plenty of replacement visors on Amazon for that. They are the sole US distributor though, so all your filters come through them. If I didn’t find the deal on eBay for my Versaflo unit I would have bought the Malina unit.
double flame resistant shroud. Mega overkill for turning wood, but might come in handy in the event of an uncontrollable fit of fast and furious woodturning.

I do seem to remember you set a lathe on fire a while back!

I think this is worse than buying a lathe!!! I appreciate all the alternatives.

Ok Bill, would this be a system?

M-107 helmet with hose
3M breathe easy turbo
NiCad battery I haven’t seen a NiMH. Wonder if Batteries + can rebuild EDIT: saw a NiMH on Ebay with turbo unit.
Particulate filters
3M smart charger

Cost would be similar to a new Trend Airshield Pro, Advantage is ~1/2 lb. lighter.
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I use an ancient Air-Mate 3 (the one with the yellow hard hat) which has served me well for decades now. Fabulous for doing demolition work as well as turning!

About 15 years ago I bought new batteries and a "smart" charger for it, and it has continued to perform well, the batteries still last at least 4 hours, they would easily go 8 when new, I just don't use it for that long at a stretch now. Over time I upgraded it to better filters, and have replaced the face shield several times when it got scratched or spattered with glue. The ongoing availability of repair parts over decades argues for using an industry standard product.

When I amortize the cost over 30 years of use it starts to look pretty cheap to buy (what was then) the cadillac-- even though I bought it used, I have no idea how old it really is. Having very high quality components intended to support miners working long shifts has paid off nicely.

Were it to die in an unrepairable way I'd replace it with a comparable product.
I do seem to remember you set a lathe on fire a while back!

I think this is worse than buying a lathe!!! I appreciate all the alternatives.

Ok Bill, would this be a system?

M-107 helmet with hose
3M breathe easy turbo
NiCad battery I haven’t seen a NiMH. Wonder if Batteries + can rebuild EDIT: saw a NiMH on Ebay with turbo unit.
Particulate filters
3M smart charger

Cost would be similar to a new Trend Airshield Pro, Advantage is ~1/2 lb. lighter.

Your memory is too good, William. I admit no wrongdoing. :D

Everything sounds OK except for the battery choice. The NiCad battery has a mid charge rating of 4.8 volts while the BP-15 NiMH battery is rated 6.25 volts. While the numbers alone may not mean much, the difference in air flow is surprisingly huge. I guesstimated a double or triple increase in airflow with the BP-15 battery. If you're going to get the BreatheEasy turbo unit I would also consider the tactical vest mentioned in the other thread. I found it to be more comfortable plus it moves the BreatheEasy out of the "bad air" zone. :eek:
Your memory is too good, William. I admit no wrongdoing. :D

Everything sounds OK except for the battery choice. The NiCad battery has a mid charge rating of 4.8 volts while the BP-15 NiMH battery is rated 6.25 volts. While the numbers alone may not mean much, the difference in air flow is surprisingly huge. I guesstimated a double or triple increase in airflow with the BP-15 battery. If you're going to get the BreatheEasy turbo unit I would also consider the tactical vest mentioned in the other thread. I found it to be more comfortable plus it moves the BreatheEasy out of the "bad air" zone. :eek:

Thanks Bill. Just what I wanted to hear. The battery is the BP-15 and the unit comes with the tactical vest. Plus there are smart chargers available on line reasonable.

I’ve put my orders in. Glad you knew about the vest as a good option.

Oh, memory is only good with reminders. We can still see the smoke plume here in Indiana.
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I ran across this yesterday and thought I'd post this. It is an air supply with face shield. Has a small air supply to wear on the belt and has electric power. It was on ebay and they sell new for about $70. Reviews were very good.Air Supplied face mask.png No batteries needed and it has a 9ft cord.

Update: This unit is no longer available....sorry:( however, I'll be posting another air supply unit that is available.
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Hello tuners.....This unit is available and is on ebay also. It is more expensive at $209. One thing to consider is that these unites are coming from China...:eek:. With the Corona virus, don't think I'd won't a parcel coming from their...:confused:Dust mask.png
I ran across this yesterday and thought I'd post this. It is an air supply with face shield. Has a small air supply to wear on the belt and has electric power. It was on ebay and they sell new for about $70. Reviews were very good.View attachment 32208 No batteries needed and it has a 9ft cord.

Update: This unit is no longer available....sorry:( however, I'll be posting another air supply unit that is available.
Lamar - My concern with this and comparable units would be having the breathing hose coming off the bottom of the face shield. I don't want anything dangling off my face in my work zone for myriad reasons. Sort of like loose clothing - I'd hate to think what might happen if that gets caught in something moving...
Lamar - My concern with this and comparable units would be having the breathing hose coming off the bottom of the face shield. I don't want anything dangling off my face in my work zone for myriad reasons. Sort of like loose clothing - I'd hate to think what might happen if that gets caught in something moving...
Very good point Steven.....could take care of the dust problem but create another.
Your memory is too good, William. I admit no wrongdoing.
I think, in the name of fostering an attitude of safety on this forum, this subject needs to be fleshed out a little...how in the name of all things holy did you manage to set a lathe afire?

Just read of an incident on a treadle lathe in another thread - do we need to stage an intervention?
Very good point Steven.....could take care of the dust problem but create another.
Yeah - those masks might be fine for some types of work where you need the facial and the dust protection, but you aren't near rapidly spinning metal thingies. Me, I like having the air tube behind me and coming from above. I do use a cheapo waist belt to give myself a little loop of air hose so I've got a little extra play in the tubing if I overextend a wee bit.
Lamar - My concern with this and comparable units would be having the breathing hose coming off the bottom of the face shield. I don't want anything dangling off my face in my work zone for myriad reasons. Sort of like loose clothing - I'd hate to think what might happen if that gets caught in something moving...
I was going to mention that.
I think, in the name of fostering an attitude of safety on this forum, this subject needs to be fleshed out a little...how in the name of all things holy did you manage to set a lathe afire?

Just read of an incident on a treadle lathe in another thread - do we need to stage an intervention?

Apparently the bearing had lost its grease and were starting to seize. This caused the motor to get blazing hot and there was a pile of shavings on and around the motor, so all of the right ingredients for a fire.

I should apply for the position of AAW Safety Officer since I am an authority on the wrong way to do things.
Since we're talking about safety I'll mention one risk with waist packs that I see. If the pack is suspended from a belt there may be a loose tail once the belt is snugged up on your waist. This is just about spindle height.

On my Sundstrum there are tails on the left and right sides of the clasp. They slide into plastic retainers that hold them flat to my waist, but I'm thinking I should come up with something better.

Not a reason to choose one device over another, but something to think about when you are setting up whatever you choose.
When I used to go caving I slung my pack, battery included under my arm like a shoulder holster. It had a waist strap to stabilize it and allowed greater mobility than anything hanging at the waist or of the back could offer. I dont see any reason this wouldnt work to keep the battery and and blower out of the “danger zone” and the hose run a short distance up the back and over the shoulder.
First I want to thank everyone for posting information. When I initially decided to go this route I was thinking Trend or Powercap. I think deciding on a system is just about as tough as deciding on a lathe. I briefly looked at PAPR units, but the thought it would be more than I could afford. I did not think the less expensive units would be suitable and finding specs was even more challenging. Thanks to Bill and others I started looking on Ebay as an alternative to the Trend and Powercap. Long story short I found a 3M breathe Easy new military surplus air pump for a fraction of the cost. This included the pump, hose, NiMH battery, tactical vest, flow meter and 3 filters that are most likely for chemical. I then bought new military surplus HE filters and new smart charger specific for the battery. I bought a new 3M Versaflo hood and shield protectors from Amazon. I believe I have put together a PAPR system at about the third of the cost of new. I have tried the helmet on and it is very comfortable. It weighs 1.4 lbs., about 1/2 lb. more than my current face shield, but has better balance. I learned a lot about specs when looking into this type of equipment, but feel it will be a good system for me. I have everything but the filters at this point. I will say it will be an experience donning all this equipment, but will definitely be a improvement. My cost was about the same as a Powercap. Again thanks to all for the help.

EDIT: I would urge anyone determining dust protection to look at the specifications.
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Since we're talking about safety I'll mention one risk with waist packs that I see. If the pack is suspended from a belt there may be a loose tail once the belt is snugged up on your waist. This is just about spindle

If done properly you're supposed to trim off the excess belt length, but being simultaneously frugal and realistic many woodturners are preplanning for possible future expansion.