Good information about Random Orbital sanding by Donna Banfield....^
I have the Grex 2" RO sander, and am happy with this particular model.
If your lathe goes slow enough (which mine does), you can use the RO sander while running the lathe. I don't know how slow mine goes, because I've never bothered to time it, but I'd guess mine goes as slow as about 25rpm, or so. At this speed, it adapts very well to the RO sander. Even though it goes slow enough, and it does work........I often times find myself turning the workpiece by hand while random orbital sanding.
At one time, I purchased some air drills to be used as sanders. These are relatively slow and a good speed for sanding. I also tried some die grinders, and these are much too fast to be of much use in sanding. The reversible air drill works, but after awhile I discontinued using air drills for sanding. The problem I was having with them is the lubricating oil was getting on my workpiece, either spitting out the exhaust port, or getting on my hands and subsequently touching the workpiece. No matter how careful I tried to be, the oil got on the workpiece. Once that happens, there really isn't much you can do, but resand to a coarser grit to get rid of it.
I've been using corded angle drills from Milwaukee and Sioux for over 20 years, now......and, I much prefer them for sanding at the lathe.
The Grex RO is air powered, and I really have to be careful with that one. Sometimes I hold a rag over the exhaust port, and that seems to work reasonably well. I only use the Grex for very fine grits.....usually only, I'm not using it nearly as much as I was attempting to do with the air drills. I bought the Grex, because when I did, I was unaware of a corded 2" RO sander......which would have been my preference.
If you're going to do all your sanding with air tools, there probably is a good solution to the lubrication problem.......they work well enough, but I was unable to come up with a fool proof method of keeping the oil off my workpiece and maintain the air tool bearings as they should be.
Good luck.......