In the online registration form there is a Name and Address Information section. At the top of that section there is a checkbox labeled "Please check this box at the left if you are a current AAW member".
I just checked your registration information in the database, and you did not check that box. It is easy to overlook that box. And you are not the first one over the last 3 years to overlook it. I could put make that box in bright flashing letters, but the office staff and I still feel that people could overlook it.
As a result, each registration is checked for membership or not, independent of checking that box. (This has been the process for at least the last 6 years). Your credit card will be charged the correct fee of $245.
The same thing happens with the paper forms.
I know I keep promising that all will be better in the future with the new software. But it is a fact that the membership will automatically be checked by the software when the 2007 and beyond symposium registrations occur. We had hoped to have the new software for this symposium, but the project just didn't get far enough to make that happen.