Mike I will have to say you have no concept in how much it takes to do a turning video, either club or Youtube. It takes a program to edit the video and sound connection and to be good more than one but preferably three cameras. Now I am not saying I disagree with you and there is a club in Arkansas that does that. I would like to but to limit access to paid members only and there is maybe a rub. Lots of the young turners with families and jobs do not seem to even have time for videos much less club meetings.
Now as to Al's supposition on AAW membership I will agree fully but of the 58 members of our club we have 34 AAW members makes us at 58%. And no one has taken advantage of the test 6 months free membership. So just go figure.
@hockenbery To add to your question on improving turning capabilities. We have many members who have never brought in a turning for show n tell so the officers have wondered do they not turn ? Also may have two members who do not own a lathe.