And the winners are Keith Burns comments:
I'd like to say that this was a very difficult contest with so many great entries. The primary thing I looked at was the form of the vessel and how well it was executed. Then, any additions like lids and finials and how they worked with the form were considered. My congratulations go to all of you for stepping out and entering the contest.
First place: Robert Lane, cherry burl
Robert, you achieved a well proportioned, beautiful form with a wonderful piece of burl. The ebony lid works well with the burl and the glass ball really sets it apart. A great combination of materials. Congratulations.
Second place: Richard Kennedy, Elm
Richard, this is a great little form, especially for "plan b". I don't believe that your "plan a" could have been any better. This piece has a great flow from top to bottom, and is very pleasing to the eye. Great job.
Third place: Scott Paris, Cast Resin
Scott, what really draws me to this piece is the form you created. It has a wonderful, well proportioned flow that would look great made from any material at any size. I also like the material you used, the contrasting ebony was a great choice.
Mike Gibson: A very nice full bodied form with beautiful wood. (The depression/nick on the back of the rim bothered me.)
David DeCristoforo: A sweet round form with very interesting wood.
Robert Davis: Interesting choice of materials and it is definitely small. (Although a very small piece the foot could have been smaller and rolled under to provide lift.)
Scott Hackler: A nice traditional form with an interesting rim treatment.
Egsiegel : Nice form and wood combination. (There appear to be some sanding marks in the vessel and some tear out on the lid)
Bob Salvetti: A nice form from very nice wood. (The flow is broken by the additional lip on the top.)
Joe Greiner: A nice turning that requires a lot of skill in my opinion (It would present itself better if the tool marks were gone on the inside)
Bernie Hrytzak: A very interesting piece and carving treatment. (I like the dark rim treatment but I think the additional coloring detracts from the piece)
Bob Sesti: I like this piece and the texturing treatment. (I think the leaves detract from this piece. Although well done they seem too “mechanical”)
John Beaver: A very nice southwest form. (To me this piece needed something else done to the rim.)
Andy DePietro: There is nothing not to like about this piece.
Bill Ooms: A very nice bowl and presentation.
Hal Taylor: A very nice carved piece. (It appears that the curve was lost as it approaches the sapwood)
Ben Grant: A very well done multiaxis turning.
Here is the link to all of the entries:
I would like to thank everyone who entered for your creativity. And a big thanks to Keith Burns for his judging; it is never easy to give an honest and constructive review of someone else's work, even though it almost always helps us think about our own work in broader terms! Keep a lookout for the next contest.