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AAW August 2010 Contest

Apr 11, 2007
Northwest Arkansas
How about a new contest to get us back to some turning?

This contest is a for a turned Platter, between 6" and 14" in diameter. With the intent to showcase the wood, design embellishments are limited to no more than 1/3 the surface area of the piece (to be determined by the judge). All woods are acceptable, as are all surface treatments per rule number two above. Let's see what everyone can bring to the table (no pun intended)!

Contest ends August 5th at Midnight CST. All entries must be titled as: AAW August 2010 Contest

Simply post your photo to the Gallery using that title, and you will be entered! The entries will be posted to the Forums, and the winner will be included in the American Woodturner, as well as receiving the admiration of your fellow turners!

We will publish a photo of the winning piece in the AAW Journal; because the Journal wants to use top quality photos, you should try to take an original in the 2-3Mb range, and make a smaller copy for uploading to the gallery.

The contest judge will be announced later.

Good luck and good entries!
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Our judge will be Mike Pankion, whose platter titled Whale & Ghosts, is in the current issue of American Woodturner on page 23. He was chosen to be on of the turners in the 'Regional Spotlight' exhibit. His website is www.WoodturningbyMike.com. Thanks, Mike, for agreeing to be our judge.
Don, as long as they abide by Rule #1 - they cannot exceed more that 1/3 of the surface area.
July Contest Question

I am new to the contest entering and would like to know how to submit photos to the contest. Also are natural edge type platters allowed.
thanks Lou
Please refer to my original post on this thread for some starter info.

All you have to do to enter a piece is to post a photo to your gallery titled AAW August 2010 Contest. For additional info on how to post a photo, see Help, Rules & FAQ in the menu bar at the top of this page.

You can submit a natural edged platter, as long as the 1/3 rule is followed.

Let me know if you have any other questions. 🙂

...I understand the contest will end on Aug. 5th. When will we know who the winner is and what are the steps in getting a larger format photo to the editor.
Thanks for all the work you do here.
After the deadline, it takes about one week to get the results from the judge, sometimes less, sometimes more. and then the results are given to the editor of the Journal. The winning entry will be contacted by me, and asked for photo. If the size and quality of the submitted photo are acceptable, they will be used. Otherwise, I will request a full sized photo and will contact the winner with a link to get that photo to the editor. That's all there is to it!
The results will then be posted here on the Forum.
John, far be it from me to define what is a bowl and what is a platter. However, my observations so far is that once something gets to 2.5", it gets really difficult to use it for anything except bowl things. So, for this contest, let's use 2.5". Sound OK?
Post your photo to the Gallery?

Kurt could you better define how we post our entry for the August contest. I am not sure which gallery. Do I have to have a member gallery or is there a special gallery used for these monthly contests?

Thanks for your help.
John, if you come in through the Homepage, go to the Forums and you will see photos across the top. Click on Member's Galleries, and then go halfway down the page until you see a menu bar that includes Upload Photos. Click on that and you will be asked to browse through your photos. Make sure your photo is titled AAW August 2010 Contest, and upload. You should be able to follow the prompts, but, if not, contact me via Private Message, and we can talk on the phone.
Contest Entry

Kurt, I noticed my entry was excluded, unfortunately I used the abreviated form for August (Aug). in the name. Is it out of contention? I am fine with whatever the rules say. (my oversight)

The results are in! Here is Mike's review of the pieces entered:

I will use their names in the comments of their piece.

Bob Salvetti------Nicely proportioned light to dark

Keith Burns------Great shape, nice inlays

Lou Carbone---nice artistic piece, the upper right looks like a horse rearing up

Glenkey---nice choice for a platter, simple design, the beauty of the wood is enough

Pope----good looking platter, nice embellishments

Robert Davis----Very nice show piece, the rim really shows off the leaf

John Altberg---good choice of grain pattern

Hal Taylor---great title for this platter, we find many interesting things inside the wood

Bernie Hrytzak---great pieces of wood , nice inlays

Don Leydens---very nice rim design

Jonathan Garcia----very nice design and eccentric touches

James Gaydos---good choice of wood

Truffuls---beautiful colorations and style

Jason---a path runs through it , nice design

Chris---plain design but the grain of the wood shows it's beauty

Kurt, all the platters were very good, I wish I could have seen them and touched them . However, my choices for

First, second and third are listed below.


Second----Jonathan Garcia

Third---Bernie Hrytzak

Thank You,

Mike Pankion

Thanks to all who entered. Please note the new contest information for October!
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The results are in! Here is Mike's review of the pieces entered:

Kurt, all the platters were very good, I wish I could have seen them and touched them . However, my choices for

First, second and third are listed below.


Second----Jonathan Garcia

Third---Bernie Hrytzak

Thank You,

Mike Pankion

Thanks to all who entered. Please note the new contest information for October!

I'd like to thank the Academy, and of course, my fans.... B-D

I need a dart gun to pop my bubble and bring me back down to earth!
Congrats to the winners. They are all beautiful.

So, I'm curious:

For the four that did not receive comments (since the majority did receive comments), were they that bad 🙁, rendered the judge speechless 😱, or just chosen to slide by unnoticed 😎?
No, Mike responded, but somehow I dropped the last two through the cracks. 🙁 Sorry! I have edited my original post to show the comments about everyone. My compliments to the entire group, and it was one of the most participated contests in the past few years! Well done, everyone!