I must truly say that you folks have been a great help in all your answers and such, even though I'm still not too clear on my "lathe parts lingo" but I guess this will all come to me in time.
Now, here's that queston while I await the arrival of my "FREE" DVD from PSI and the other one from Bill Baumbeck. I would like to know if I'm reading this right.
I'm getting the impression that, from the forums that I’ve looked at and some websites that no ‘self-respecting’ pen crafter would be caught dead duplicating pens, I’m I right on this?
Now, I can appreciate all the reasons about the “individualism†of each pen with none being exactly the same but where does that leave me, since I was thinking of turning that “perfect†comfort pen?
Does that mean if I learn to turn free hand, I’d be all the better? And what about practice turnings, I’m figuring on turning scrap pieces of wood just to get the hang of things instead of messing up a beautiful blank. I’m I headed in the right direction?
I must truly say that you folks have been a great help in all your answers and such, even though I'm still not too clear on my "lathe parts lingo" but I guess this will all come to me in time.
Now, here's that queston while I await the arrival of my "FREE" DVD from PSI and the other one from Bill Baumbeck. I would like to know if I'm reading this right.
I'm getting the impression that, from the forums that I’ve looked at and some websites that no ‘self-respecting’ pen crafter would be caught dead duplicating pens, I’m I right on this?
Now, I can appreciate all the reasons about the “individualism†of each pen with none being exactly the same but where does that leave me, since I was thinking of turning that “perfect†comfort pen?
Does that mean if I learn to turn free hand, I’d be all the better? And what about practice turnings, I’m figuring on turning scrap pieces of wood just to get the hang of things instead of messing up a beautiful blank. I’m I headed in the right direction?