• February Turning Challenge: Choose Your Box! (click here for details)
  • Congratulations to Isaac Litster winner of the January 2025 Turning Challenge (click here for details)
  • Congratulations Ricc Havens for "Black Ash" being selected as Turning of the Week for February 10, 2025 (click here for details)
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spin top

  1. Side Grain Captured Spin Top

    Side Grain Captured Spin Top

    Sycamore, Chechen (finial), Indian Rosewood (pedestal), metal bearing. Continuing the theme of spin tops, here is one where the spinning component is turned in side grain orientation. This adds an element of complexity, especially if sapwood is included with heartwood, as the different densities...
  2. In the Shadow of the Giant

    In the Shadow of the Giant

    My submission for the upcoming POP exhibit Open/Closed. We'll see how it ends up being received by the jurors--I'm happy with the final piece though. It represents my love of nature, as well as the inspiration I find when walking around the woods (and the awe I feel when gazing upon a really...
  3. Captured Spin Top

    Captured Spin Top

    Honduran Mahogany spin top body, Black Palm stem, Maple pedestal, brass bearing. I made this piece for Stan Pressner for the recent forum swap. This is a somewhat new take on a spin top, where the top is connected to the pedestal yet is still mobile (takes a bit of force to separate the two). I...
  4. More Than Meets The Eye

    More Than Meets The Eye

    Bradford Pear, Wenge, Environ biocomposite, Gaboon Ebony, metal hardware. 4” x 4” x 4.75”. I made this calabash for a swap with another turner. I’ll let him chime in if he wants. I designed this to look like a normal calabash in one view, but spin it around and you see a forked piece holding a...
  5. Spinning Tops at the End of August.

    Spinning Tops at the End of August.

    A group of spinning tops. Made of various exotic woods, acrylic & even some ink.
  6. Kent Crowell

    Spin Top challenge - Live and Remote- how long will it go?

    ( This note was submitted to our newsletter and to the AAW editor Josh Friend ) Dear All, I wanted to get more interest and provide a way for members to participate in- person as well as remotely in a President's Challenge - Top Showdown. The Challenge: Who can produce a spinning top with the...
  7. Kalimantan Parlor Top

    Kalimantan Parlor Top

    Made of African Blackwood, Kalimantan Palm Nut, Tagua Nut, Pink Ivory Wood, Bloodwood & Cocus Wood. Decoration on the stand was done with a rose engine lathe.
  8. Tops x Seven

    Tops x Seven

    A group of spinning tops. Made of African Blackwood, Amboyna Burl, Maple Burl, Pink Ivory wood, Acrylics, Acetate, Tagua Nut & Betel Nut. Some have stand decorated on the Rose Engine Lathe. 2.5" to 5" tall. I find a special joy in turning spinning tops, perhaps because my philosophy is that play...
  9. Spin Top Box

    Spin Top Box

    Ornamental Turned spinning top with matching box. Tops sits on the box 2 ways. Made of African Blackwood, Bamboo, Betel Nut & Lignum Vitae wood. 3" in diameter.