• Beware of Counterfeit Woodturning Tools (click here for details)
  • Johnathan Silwones is starting a new AAW chapter, Southern Alleghenies Woodturners, in Johnstown, PA. (click here for details)
  • Congratulations to William Rogers for "Ambrosia Maple Platter" being selected as Turning of the Week for September 16, 2024 (click here for details)
  • Welcome new registering member. Your username must be your real First and Last name (for example: John Doe). "Screen names" and "handles" are not allowed and your registration will be deleted if you don't use your real name. Also, do not use all caps nor all lower case.

green turning

  1. Walnut Carved Damp

    Walnut Carved Damp

    Approx. 7.75x2.75. Turned green, hand carved while drying. First time using Osmo Gloss Polyx-oil. Interesting finish. I look forward to trying it more. (I am recovering from a carving related repetitive strain shoulder injury. I haven't submitted in awhile and am way behind on my photography too!)
  2. Sycamore hollow form

    Sycamore hollow form

    10" tall and pretty thin walls (1/4 to 3/8" at the bottom) for me. Lots of storms this spring/summer. This sycamore (what this hollow form is on) fell across our road and in the culvert. Most of it is still in the creek. It will take a larger tractor than mine to get out. I did grab a branch...
  3. Morphed


    I was offered a stump from an Arbutus tree that was taken down by arborists due to its proximity to the home. A nice change from the mountain trees we got last winter! The tree was cut down in early October and we cut the stump out the next day, I ended up with 2 large burl chunks. This bowl was...