• Congratulations to Isaac Litster winner of the January 2025 Turning Challenge (click here for details)
  • Conversations are now Direct Messages (click here for details)
  • Congratulations to Alan Weinberg for "Elm Burl Bowl" being selected as Turning of the Week for January 27, 2025 (click here for details)
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  1. Footed bowl, "spikey", AAW Forum contest entry

    Footed bowl, "spikey", AAW Forum contest entry

    Spikey is masur birch and blackwood, largest diameter is 8" and height is about 5 1/2". And he is Footed Bowl. I tried to capture something earthy and could-be-alive. Inside was intentionally left rough after hollowing (in fact the last cut was intentionally made "wrong")...
  2. contest bowl 2nd photo, AAW Forum contest entry

    contest bowl 2nd photo, AAW Forum contest entry

    2nd photo of bowlfor contest
  3. Open segmented footed bowl,  AAW Forum contest entry

    Open segmented footed bowl, AAW Forum contest entry

    Footed bowl made from Walnut, Maple, and an unknown wood (given to me by a friend who got it from a palet).
  4. Crystal Ornament - Side View

    Crystal Ornament - Side View

    Alternate view
  5. Crystal Ornament

    Crystal Ornament

    A Box Elder/Ebony ornament with embellishment of Swarovski Crystal for some sparkle on the tree.
  6. AAW Contest Entry Mr. Christmas Turnip

    AAW Contest Entry Mr. Christmas Turnip

    This is my entry for the contest. Turned from wormy birch and some wire and brush hair. Some acrylics and Mr. Christmas Turnip is ready to haunt you if you are not behaving nicely next year.
  7. Koru Lidded box AAW Forum contest entry

    Koru Lidded box AAW Forum contest entry

    Koru Lidded box. Top: Black Maire Box: Ebonised London Plane Height: 230mm (9") Diameter: 93mm (3-5/8")
  8. AAW Forum contest entry-Masur Birch

    AAW Forum contest entry-Masur Birch

    Another view.
  9. AAW Forum contest entry-Masur Birch

    AAW Forum contest entry-Masur Birch

    Masur Birch box with Blackwood pedestal, rim and inside-out finial. 3 1/2" diameter by 8 1/2" tall. Buffed Seal-a-cell finish.
  10. Redheart Box, AAW forum contest, View 2

    Redheart Box, AAW forum contest, View 2

    View with lid removed.
  11. Redheart Box..AAW Forum Contest View 1

    Redheart Box..AAW Forum Contest View 1

    Redheart Box with Lacewood lid, Redheart Finial. 5-1/2" dia. with a 2-3/4" opening. Walls about 1/8". Finish is wipe on gel poly then beall buffed. I turned 5 finials for this before getting one that I was happy with. This box is dedicated to my turning friends at Flying Curls.com...
  12. AAW Forum contest entry

    AAW Forum contest entry

    View from left side.
  13. AAW Forum contest entry

    AAW Forum contest entry

    Chief "Unclear Vision". Height is about 8" and 4" diameter. Material is blackwood and some Australian burl
  14. AAW Forum contest entry

    AAW Forum contest entry

    Bottom of the platter.
  15. AAW Forum contest entry

    AAW Forum contest entry

    "Clotwian fish fossil" -platter. This was found from the highlands of Clotwia. During my way back to civilized world one of the aboriginals was able to pinch the platter. Luckily I noticed theft quickly and was able to resque the platter after only few bites. Biggest diameter is...
  16. aaw forum contest entry second view

    aaw forum contest entry second view

    I turned this 10" bowl from a tree my neighbor cut down. I left the rim wide and thick because the sapwood was full of sawdust packed tunnels from termites. After turning I removed the termite residue for some natural texturing. After applying the first coat of oil I came out to put on a...
  17. aaw forum contest entry 1

    aaw forum contest entry 1

    I turned this 10" bowl from a tree my neighbor cut down. I left the rim wide and thick because the sapwood was full of sawdust packed tunnels from termites. After turning I removed the termite residue for some natural texturing. After applying the first coat of oil I came out to put on a...
  18. Mixed media bowl number one

    Mixed media bowl number one

    Maple and leather.
  19. Mixed media bowl number one

    Mixed media bowl number one

    Maple bowl and leather.
  20. AAW Forum contest entry

    AAW Forum contest entry

    AAW Forum contest entry Birdseye Maple, Bloodwood, Mulberry, Bloodwood, Walnut. Diameter - 4.25, height 1.25