• February Turning Challenge: Choose Your Box! (click here for details)
  • Congratulations to Isaac Litster winner of the January 2025 Turning Challenge (click here for details)
  • Congratulations Ricc Havens for "Black Ash" being selected as Turning of the Week for February 10, 2025 (click here for details)
  • Welcome new registering member. Your username must be your real First and Last name (for example: John Doe). "Screen names" and "handles" are not allowed and your registration will be deleted if you don't use your real name. Also, do not use all caps nor all lower case.


  1. Inside view

    Inside view

    Interior view of African Blackwood keepsake box
  2. Apple box

    Apple box

    Box turned from apple wood with friction burned beads
  3. Ring Box

    Ring Box

    Maple burl top and bottom, applewood collar and inside liner, African Blackwood body. I gifted this to a guy that gave me a car load of very expensive woods. then he tells me was given a scholarship from the AAW to turn with someone in Vermont in the mid 80's... what a small world.
  4. Applewood burl hollow form #2

    Applewood burl hollow form #2

    3.5” x 3” This was the second of two small hollow forms I was able to manage from an old chunk of applewood burl I’ve been saving for a while. Love how the swirly figure curls up from the bottom and fades into the darker wood near the rim. Finished with several coats of shellac and three-stage...
  5. Applewood Bud vase

    Applewood Bud vase

    3" X 9" Waxed finish