“Who’s on First”
Ambrosia maple ball cap, turned and carved with raised letters, ash bat pyro-engraved with the Louisville Slugger logo (logo used with written permission from the President of Hillerich & Bradsby Co.), genuine mahogany 1st base bleached, textured, and turned on the bottom side. The baseballs are apple, ash, cherry, walnut, cocobolo, pink ivory, ambrosia maple, purple heart, amboyna burl, big leaf maple burl, curly maple, black ash burl, claro walnut burl, KY coffee tree, sugar maple burl and persimmon. All baseballs were pyro-engraved with 216 stitches each. This is a throw-back to the 2006 AAW Symposium in Louisville, KY and was my accepted entry for the "Step Up to the Plate" exhibit at Louisville Slugger Museum.