To the best of my knowledge, this is the only execution of tumble rings made of wood. Each ring is 5-1/2" OD, with 5/8" diameter body. The overall assembly is about 6" wide x 42" high. Mahogany from a salvaged pool table, finished with EEE and wax. Nine rings were deliberately broken and glued with CA for assembly. In operation, they're slightly louder than conventional sets made of metal.
This is a stereo pair, with exaggerated baseline of about 5" vs. 2-1/2" normal eyeball separation. It can be free-viewed by focusing on a point twice as far away as your monitor, then drifting vision down to the monitor. If the images on your monitor are more than 2-1/2" apart, you should adjust your monitor's resolution for best results. I've included clues to how I combined the images.