Cherry 200mm x 110mmish Textured and lacquered (many coats!)
This is another experiment. I recently took delivery of 'Monty' my Monster Hollowing rig and this is one of the first pieces to come off the line using it! The tree came down in a storm and has been waiting patiently for a while to be used. This branchwood is not the most attractive and so I decided to colour and texture it in a
similar way to the 'Tree o' I posted the other day! Having sprayed it black I got carried away with marking out some spirals and before I knew it I was texturing what is a double spiral! I am lucky to live in an area of dark sky and so my view of the milky way can be (on a clear night) one of the best in the UK I guess I was thinking about that when I did this!
The photo was a pain, I took over 50 shots of this attempting to loose the light glare however non were successful so I started playing with the idea of including the light reflection as part of
the photograph I looked at this image and thought hmm that looks a lot like a sun shining in space amongst the stars so I
have used it!