This 16.5” pecan platter was about 7 years in the making. In 2013 some friends and I got our hands on a massive, storm-felled, 160-year-old pecan tree from Cary, NC. I harvested and made a half dozen bowls and several platters from some amazing crotch pieces. All were finished and sold years ago, but this one piece had a massive bark inclusion that made it a bit scary to consider completing. But about 6 years after rough turning it held together like a rock so I decided to clean and fill the void with resin and just go for it. It was over 17” when I started, but the crotch cut had moved a LOT so I actually had to cut back to get an almost-even rim. In the end I left it with one rim side actually thinner than the rest but blended in to match the 1/4” thickness. The resin/void cuts right through the foot so it was challenging.