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Spalted Maple Hollow Form
Nino G. Cocchiarella

Spalted Maple Hollow Form

Another piece of wood that was on the edge. Some very soft and some very hard sections on this one. Turned long grain 10x4" and too thin on the bottom half. Can see light through it along the bottom! The top is around 3/16". I have been leaving around 1/2" thick at the base for stability.

Any thoughts, advice or forum threads about turning wood with very soft and very hard parts of a blank? The contrast is challenging.
Imo maple is prone to that after it sits, #1 suggestion chose a different wood, mesquite comes to mind, sort of solves all ur problems
Nino, on the big maple vase I just finished I had similar challenges. Since the coloring is so varied I used a good bit of thin CA on areas to stiffen the fibers to get a clean cut. If you manage the application to just little to where needed, take a cut and stop or repeat if needed you can get clean cuts and not create a lot of obvious CA glue trails. Some might show but they blend in and you'll be the only one that knows it's where you put CA and not just where the wood tone changes.
Nino, on the big maple vase I just finished I had similar challenges. Since the coloring is so varied I used a good bit of thin CA on areas to stiffen the fibers to get a clean cut. If you manage the application to just little to where needed, take a cut and stop or repeat if needed you can get clean cuts and not create a lot of obvious CA glue trails. Some might show but they blend in and you'll be the only one that knows it's where you put CA and not just where the wood tone changes.
Randy, I saw that vase. Very nice. I’ll give the CA glue a try next time.

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