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Jeff Hornung

How Do You Know

How Do You Know

Four simple words that sum up a whole year.
Words that can question, demand, create fear.
Change inflection? Change streaming?
Change direction? Change meaning?
HOW do you know?

The spheres represent life. Work, health, media, wealth.
The Covids touch everything. Eventually our self.
One masked? One protected?
One berated? One rejected?
How DO you know?

The science is settled to the point where it isn’t.
The numbers are cooked, or they’re not or they did(n’t).
Trump lied? Fauci lied?
Gates lied? People died?
How do YOU know?

Right screams at Left while Left yells at Right.
Facebook and Twitter fuel self righteous might.
This virus? This shutdown?
This conflict? My breakdown!
How do you KNOW?

We’re banging our heads on a wall of confusion.
The policies made are conflicting solution.
Some freedoms? Some masks?
Some protests? Some facts?

This piece is the final entry in my Artist Residency, July-December 2019. Finished just this past week it not only allowed me to vent some personal feelings while also summing up the focus of my work during those 6 months. Maple bowl, 15” diameter by 5 inches tall with 9 spheres of various materials and embellishing techniques. At the end of the residency I wasn’t planning to finish this large bowl but the last 9 months needed some kind of release. This is also a collaboration with fiber artist Erin King who made the crocheted Covid Cooties for me.

Media information

Jeff Hornung’s Turnings
Added by
Jeff Hornung
Date added
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Image metadata

Apple iPad Pro (11-inch)
Focal length
3.0 mm
Exposure time
1/60 second(s)
Off, did not fire
File size
1 MB
Date taken
Sat, 19 September 2020 7:07 PM
2210px x 1960px

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