My attempt at a Ray Allen style piece. I started this about 5 years ago but never got past the main design ring. I finally decided to finish it up and this is the result. A fairly simple block pattern on the main design ring but still took me some time. Had to do some thinking for the top ring because I wanted to make sure that the diamonds ended up with sharp points after the ring was levelled.
Walnut and maple because that's what I had on hand. The bottom piece is walnut - it doesn't show up that well in this picture.
466 pieces. Each ring has 16 segments.
Approximately 8" by 8". Wall thickness of 5/16".
Poly-tung oil finish then buffed and waxed.
Learned a great deal in the process.
Malcolm Tibbett's book and Curt Theobald's video served as valuable reference sources.
I plan on trying some more like this when I find the time.