Well- It's almost here. Monday morning will mark the first solar eclipse to cross these parts since 1979. Plenty of hype, festivals, traffic jams so I figure no reason not to jump in the fray..
I turned this double domed 9" diameter birch disc then offset it to turn a recessed edge as a corona. I suspect that plain black would be the more accurate color for moon as it passes in front of Old Sol but I opted to dye the disc black, sand it back a bit and then dye it with some red-orange to give it a more chromic celestial look and finished it with polished lacquer. The stand is cut from maple colored with a satin black lacquer. 5 pieces of music wire attach the disc to the stand. The corona is enhanced with 23 carat gold leaf. The name is the percentage of totality we can expect above the studio....No solar glasses required for viewing....
Thank you for looking!!