To all Ohio members these 25 pieces are on exhibit till the end of October at the Canton Art Museum.. They were part of a competion held in Wooster by the Buckeye and Northcoast chapters. If you have never been to the museum, you will be surprized by the scope of it. The museum was so impressed by the quality of work in Wooster, that they decided to display these pieces as well as invite us to put on a major exhibit at the museum in 2 years time. It will be very large in size . The larger the better. They will be enlisting major financial support so as to insure a quality show. The details will be worked out in the near future as far as size. The last major show they had was 59,000 attendance. All Ohio turners will be eligable. I can invision 2 aspects of the exhibit. 1) By invitation and 2) a competition. This promises to be a great oppotunity for all in our state to strut their stuff..You can start the ball rolling by word of mouth, it will be appreciated. Lets make this thing something memorable...Thanks Ray