This is a Spalted Pecan blank that measured about 15"D and >5"T. It weighed about 65#. I used the Ci1 with R4 tip and Ci2 exclusively; no other tools. This is a photo tutorial of my bowl turning technique:
1. Mount the blank on a faceplate and secure it with the tailstock for safety. It's very important to use good hardened screws. The top actually was not flat and some of it was eventually turned away to get a flat rim. It was a whole lot of fun to mount the faceplate in a flat orientation. I should have taken that picture also. I used other wood pieces as spacers.
2. Start roughing the wings with the Ci1 until the desired shape forms. I determine the size of the foot and use the Ci2 to mark it.
3. Continue roughing the outside until the desired curve is complete. Remove the tailstock, finish defining the foot and cut a recess with the Ci2 to serve as the signature area. In this photo the bowl has been sanded with 80 grit and the voids had not been filled.
4. Here the blank has been reversed chucked and held by the tenon. The inside was cored with the Ci1. The base was left a little thicker by request to keep the bowl bottom heavy. Moisture test results showed 8% after coring. It was then coffee ground filled, shaved, sanded form 100 - 400 grit, micromeshed to 12,000, and coated with BLO then buffed with 0000 wool for a matte finish.